CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

CE103 Algorithms and Programming I


Fall Semester, 2021-2022


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Algorithm Basics

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I



RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I


Pseudocode - Wikipedia

Pseudocode Examples

How to write a Pseudo Code? - GeeksforGeeks

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

In this course we will learn how to code with several development environments and next term we will see analysis of algorithms in details.

This topic is covered in the following link :
CE100 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Programming Environment Setup and Configuration

Programming life is not about only learning how to code. Mostly you need to use several code development environments and you need to learn how to use them efficiently.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

C / C++ Environment and Development

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (1)

Download DevC++ IDE from following link


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (2)

Open DevC++ IDE for C Project Generation

Open File->New->Project

alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (3)

Select Console Application from Basic tab and with C Project Option and write a project name such as "Hello" then press OK

Select a folder and save Hello.dev project file.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (4)

You will see a sample main with empty body

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (5)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, s,ystem("pause") or input loop */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    retAdd 0;
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (6)

add the following line in main function. This will write "Hello, World!" on the screen and then wait a keypress to exit from application

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0;
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (7)

Then save the file

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (8)

Use from menu Execute->Compile F5 to generate Hello.exe

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (9)

You can find the generated Hello.exe path from Compile.log as follow. Check the Output Filename

Compiling project changes...
- Project Filename: E:\UgurCoruh\RTEU\Lectures\2021-2022 Güz CE103 - Algorithms and Programming I\Lectures\ce103-algorithms-and-programming-I\Week-2\devcpp-hello-world-apps\Hello.dev
- Compiler Name: TDM-GCC 4.9.2 64-bit Release

Building makefile...
- Filename: E:\UgurCoruh\RTEU\Lectures\2021-2022 Güz CE103 - Algorithms and Programming I\Lectures\ce103-algorithms-and-programming-I\Week-2\devcpp-hello-world-apps\Makefile.win

Processing makefile...
- Makefile Processor: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\bin\mingw32-make.exe
- Command: mingw32-make.exe -f "E:\UgurCoruh\RTEU\Lectures\2021-2022 Güz CE103 - Algorithms and Programming I\Lectures\ce103-algorithms-and-programming-I\Week-2\devcpp-hello-world-apps\Makefile.win" all

gcc.exe -c main.c -o main.o -I"C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/include" -I"C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include" -I"C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9.2/include" 

gcc.exe main.o -o Hello.exe -L"C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/lib" -L"C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib" -static-libgcc

Compilation results...
- Errors: 0
- Warnings: 0
- Output Filename: E:\UgurCoruh\RTEU\Lectures\2021-2022 Güz CE103 - Algorithms and Programming I\Lectures\ce103-algorithms-and-programming-I\Week-2\devcpp-hello-world-apps\Hello.exe
- Output Size: 128,103515625 KiB
- Compilation Time: 2,13s
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (10)

Then you can run with Execute->Run F10 or Directly Compile&Run F11

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (11)

for debugging operations, just change the code and add more statements as follow

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* run this program using the console pauser or add your getch, system(",pause") or input loop */

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    printf("Hello, World! Step-1\n");
    printf("Hello, World! Step-2\n");
    printf("Hello, World! Step-3\n");
    printf("Hello, World! Step-4\n");
    printf("Hello, World! Step-5\n");
    printf("Hello, World! Step-6\n");


    return 0;
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (12)

Click on line numbers and add breakpoints for debugger. This red point will be debugger stop points

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (13)

In the ,menu section select compiler with debug option

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (14)

Compile application with debug setting and in Execute Section use Debug F5 to start debugging

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (15)

Debugger will stop at breakpoint at the debug point (blue line)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (16)

Moving to next statement can be done via control buttons or shortcuts

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (17)

Press F8 to step-by-step continue

Then go to Project Options - Compiler - Linker and set Generate debugging information to "yes", and make sure you are not using any optimization options (they're not good for debug mode). Also check the Parameters tab, make sure you don't have any optimization options (like -O2 or -O3, but -O0 is ok because it means no optimization) or strip option (-s).

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (18)

After that, do a full rebuild (Ctrl-F11), then set breakpoint(s) where you want the debugger to stop (otherwise it will just run the program). To set a breakpoint on a line, just click on the gutter (the gray band on the left), or press Ctrl-F5.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (19)

Now you are ready to launch the debugger, by pressing F8 or clicking the debug button. If everything goes well, the program will start, and then stop at the first breakpoint. Then you can step through the code, entering function calls, by pressing Shift-F7 or the "step into" button, or stepping over the function calls, by pressing F7 or the "next step" button. You can press Ctrl-F7 or the "continue" button to continue execution till the next breakpoint. At any time, you can add or remove breakpoints.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (20)

When the program stopped at a breakpoint and you are stepping through the code, you can display the values of various variables in your program by putting your mouse over them, or you can display variables and expressions by pressing F4 or the "add watch" button and typing the expression.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

DevCpp (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (21)

How do I debug using Dev-C++

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (1)

Download Code Blocks from the following link

Binary releases - Code::Blocks

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (2)

Open Code Blocks and

Select File->New->Project

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (3)

Select Console Application

Click Next from Opening Window

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (4)

Select C for Sample Project

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (5)

Write a project name and title also set a project folder

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (6)

Select complier for this project we selected GCC but you can select C compliers from list. Set Debug and Release executable output folders.

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (7)

After this wizard you will have the following code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    printf("Hello world!\n");
    return 0;
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (8)

Select Debug Build from menu

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (9)

Run with Build and Run F9

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (10)

You should see the following output

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (11)

Add the following lines to your source code for debugging

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    printf("Hello world! Step-1\n");
    printf("Hello world! Step-2\n");
    printf("Hello world! Step-3\n");
    printf("Hello world! Step-4\n");
    printf("Hello world! Step-5\n");
    printf("Hello world! Step-6\n");
    return 0;
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (12)

and add break points with F5 or mouse click

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (13)

select Debug->Start/Continue to start debugger

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (14)

If you see the following error this is related with long or turkish character including path. Just move project to a shorter path and try again

Setting breakpoints
Debugger name and version: GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1
Starting the debuggee failed: No executable specified, use `target exec'.
Debugger finished with status 0
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (15)

You will see the following yellow pointer for debugger

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Blocks (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (16)

You can use the following menu or shortcuts for step-by-step debugging.

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

GCC/G++ Complier (MinGW) / Clang-cl (LLVM) (1)

Download and install MinGW or LLVM compiler (if you downloded then skip this step)

MinGW installer (clang)

Download MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows from SourceForge.net

LLVM installer (gcc / g++)

Download LLVM releases

Also use the following notes


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

GCC/G++ Complier (MinGW) / Clang-cl (LLVM) (2)

Open a console with "cmd" and test the following commands if commands are not recognized then set the system environment variable add gcc and g++ exe paths to path variable (add to both system and user path variable)

gcc --version

g++ --version
C:\Users\ugur.coruh>gcc --version
gcc (x86_64-win32-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
clang --version
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

GCC/G++ Complier (MinGW) / Clang-cl (LLVM) (3)

for gcc.exe, g++.exe and gdb.exe

C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64\bin

for clang.exe , lldb.exe

C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin

This folder paths changes according to your setup

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (1)

Download Visual Studio Code from the following link

Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (2)

In this sample you will find MinGW and LLVM compiler combinations for C and C++

Create a folder and enter this folder then open this folder with vscode by right click

alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (3)

or enter the folder via console

alt:"alt" center


code .
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (4)

This will open vscode for current folder . dot present current folder.

You will see a empty folder in the right window

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (5)

alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (6)

Create a hello.c file and write following content

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   // printf() displays the string inside quotation
   printf("Hello, World!");
   return 0;
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (7)

use CTRL+SHIFT+B (you should be on source code section) to build file

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (8)

Select GCC or CLANG for this sample we can use GCC

You will see output generated Hello.exe

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (9)

for debugging just put breakpoint and build again

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (10)

after build for debug press CTRL+SHIFT+D (you should be on source code section)and in the right window select create launch.json

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (11)

from opening window select C++ GDB/LLDB

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (12)

from next opening menu select mingw-w64 gcc.exe

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (13)

this will run debugger and you will see debug points activated

alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (14)

then you can step-by-step debug your code.

the following task.json and launch.json automatically generated with your selections

alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (15)


    // Olası öznitelikler hakkında bilgi edinmek için IntelliSense kullanın.
    // Mevcut özniteliklerin açıklamalarını görüntülemek için üzerine gelin.
    // Daha fazla bilgi için şu adresi ziyaret edin: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "gcc.exe - Etkin dosyayı derle ve dosyada hata ayıkla",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",
            "args": [],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${fileDirname}",
            "environment": [],
            "externalConsole": false,
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "miDebuggerPath": "C:\\Program Files\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "gdb için düzgün yazdırmayı etkinleştir",
                    "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
                    "ignoreFailures": true
            "preLaunchTask": "C/C++: gcc.exe etkin dosyayı derle"
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (16)


    "tasks": [
            "type": "cppbuild",
            "label": "C/C++: gcc.exe etkin dosyayı derle",
            "command": "C:\\Program Files\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe",
            "args": [
            "options": {
                "cwd": "${fileDirname}"
            "problemMatcher": [
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true
            "detail": "Hata Ayıklayıcısı tarafından oluşturulan görev."
    "version": "2.0.0"
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (17)

you can do the same thing for other compilers and c++ source codes. LLVM do not support debug on vscode now.

for C++ VsCode you can check the following links

for Windows


for Linux


for WSL


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (18)

in the launch file if you start debugging with F5

(you can select debugger with CTRL+SHIFT+P and then writing Debug and Selecting Configure Debugger Option)

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (19)

following line will be your debugging application path

if you start debugging with F5 in Hello.c file this will set <Hello.c base path>/Hello.exe

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Install / Compile / Run / Debug) (20)

You should set this correct for both LLVM and GCC configuration in launch.json

 "program": "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe",

Also you should set your installed debugger paths

for GCC

"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\Program Files\\mingw-w64\\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe",

for LLVM

"miDebuggerPath": "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\bin\\lldb.exe",

for more details please check the sample source codes.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Visual Studio Community Edition (Install / Compile / Run / Debug)


alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (1)

Please download Notepad++ from the following link

Downloads | Notepad++

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (2)

Download and install MinGW or LLVM compiler (if you downloded then skip this step)

MinGW installer (clang)

Download MinGW-w64 - for 32 and 64 bit Windows from SourceForge.net

LLVM installer (gcc / g++)

Download LLVM releases

Also use the following notes


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (3)

Open a console with "cmd" and test the following commands if commands are not recognized then set the system environment variable add gcc and g++ exe paths to path variable (add to both system and user path variable)

gcc --version

g++ --version
C:\Users\ugur.coruh>gcc --version
gcc (x86_64-win32-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 8.1.0
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (4)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (5)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (6)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (7)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (8)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (9)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (10)

for gcc.exe, g++.exe and gdb.exe

C:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-win32-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64\bin
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (11)

for clang.exe , lldb.exe

C:\Program Files\LLVM\bin
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (12)

This folder paths changes according to your setup

Open NppExec extension (install from extension manager if not exist)

alt:"alt" center

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (13)

write the following commands in box

NPP_SAVE // save current file
cd $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) // go to directory of the current file
gcc  -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -std=c++11 -o "$(NAME_PART)" "$(FILE_NAME)"

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Install / Compile ) (14)

save script as gcc-build and for more information check the following link

How To Setup Notepad for Writing C++ Programs

You can modify or add multiple scripts for another tasks.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Vi/Vim (C/C++)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Eclipse (C/C++)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Netbeans (C/C++)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Turbo C++/C


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (1)

CMake (http://www.cmake.org/) is a program which generates the Makefiles used by Make.

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (2)

Why use CMake ?

  • Eases Make use
    • but the same way of thinking
    • generate the Makefile
  • Separate the compilation from the sources
  • Multi-platfoms
  • Very flexible
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (3)

  • Check if the libraries/programs are available on your system
  • File generator (configure_file)
  • Calling programs or scripts (doxygen)
  • One of the new standards
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (4) (Download and Install)

use the following link for download

Download | CMake

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (5) (WSL and Linux Environment)

Hello world with CMake

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (6) (Windows Environment)


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    char name[20];
    printf("Enter name: ");
    scanf("%s", name);
    printf("Your name is %s.", name);
    return 0;


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7.2)
add_executable(scanf-sample main.c)
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (7) (Windows Environment)

put main.c and CMakeLists.txt file in sample-scanf folder and from command line

alt:"alt" center

run the following cmake command with dot (.) to create solution file for c project

C:\Users\ugur.coruh\Desktop\sample-scanf>cmake .
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (8) (Windows Environment)

I have Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition Installed on My Computer, for these reason build tools are selected for visual studio environment and the following outputs are generated

C:\Users\ugur.coruh\Desktop\sample-scanf>cmake .
-- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022
-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.22000.0 to target Windows 10.0.19043.
-- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.30.30704.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.30.30704.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.30.30704/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.30.30704/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/ugur.coruh/Desktop/sample-scanf

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (9) (Windows Environment)

also following files are generated

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (10) (Windows Environment)

if we open scanf-sample.sln file we will have automated generated project files

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (11) (Windows Environment)

you can make scanf-sample with startup project with right click and then run on visual studio.

if you want to configure for another build tool you can use Cmake-GUI installed with setup on your computer

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (12) (Windows Environment)

Open GUI and Select File-> Delete Cache

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (13) (Windows Environment)

then you can click "Configure" to select build tool

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (14) (Windows Environment)

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C++/C) (15) (Windows Environment)

if you click "Configure" twice it will generate the visual studio solution in build folder

for more detailed examples that include also docker and travis-ci sample you can check the following repo

GitHub - ttroy50/cmake-examples: Useful CMake Examples

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Make (1)



#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("hello, world\n");
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Make (2)


# This is the default target, which will be built when 
# you invoke make
.PHONY: all
all: hello

# This rule tells make how to build hello from hello.cpp
hello: hello.c
    g++ -o hello hello.c

# This rule tells make to copy hello to the binaries subdirectory,
# creating it if necessary
.PHONY: install
    mkdir -p binaries
    cp -p hello binaries

# This rule tells make to delete hello and hello.o
.PHONY: clean 
    rm -f hello
RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Make (3)


make all .

will create hello.exe

check hello-make sample

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

JAVA Environment and Development


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

JDK and JRE Setup


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

System Environments and Paths for Java


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Netbeans (Java)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Eclipse (Java)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Intellij Idea (Jet Brains) (Java)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

VSCode (Java)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Java)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (Java)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

C# Environment and Development

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Visual Studio Community Edition (C#)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (C#)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cmake (C#)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Common Tools and Platforms

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Fatih Kalem



Fatih Kalem indir - Akıllı Tahta için

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Notepad++ (Notepad for Source Code)

Downloads | Notepad++

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

HxD (Hex Editor)

HxD - Freeware Hex Editor and Disk Editor | mh-nexus

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Marktext (Markdown Syntax Editor)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cygwin (Linux environment for Windows)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Dependency Walker (32-bit or 64-bit Windows module dependency checker)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Doxygen (Code Documentation)

Doxygen: Doxygen

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Sonarlint (Code Quality and Code Security Extension)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Codepen.io (online code sharing)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Credit Card Sample


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Codeshare.io (real time code sharing)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Codebeautify.org (online data conversion tools)


RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

AsciiFlow.com (ASCII drawing tool)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Freemind (opensource mindmap application)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Wireflow (user flow designer)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

PlantUML (software designer)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Drawio (drawing tool)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Putty (Remote Connection)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

MobaXterm (Remote Connection)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Teamviewer (Remote Connection)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Paletton.com (Color Chooser)


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Understand (Static Code Analysis)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

JD Project (Java Decompiler)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Cutter (Multi-Platform Reverse Engineering Tool)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

IDA Pro / Freeware (Native Reverse Engineering Tool)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Code Visualization (Python, C , C++ , Java)



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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Assembly of C Code



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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Mobile Device Screen Sharing for Demo

GitHub - Genymobile/scrcpy: Display and control your Android device

RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I


  • Travis.yml


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I



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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I



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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I


- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBwJm0onzeo&ab_channel=GaryExplains  Dockerfile
  • DockerHub

  • Docker Compose Yaml

  • Dockerrun.aws.json (AWS)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Nuget Packages


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Vim for Windows

  • vim/vim-wim32-installer (windows vim installer)


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

SCV Cryptomanager


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Addario CryptoBench


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Raymond's MD5 & SHA Checksum Utility


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

SlavaSoft HashCalc


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Portable PGP


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RTEU CE103 Week-2
CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Online Programming Envoriments

i. Hackerrank

ii. CS50 Sandbox

iii. Programiz C Online Complier


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RTEU CE103 Week-2