CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Week-6 (Matrix Chain Order / LCS)

Spring Semester, 2021-2022


RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Matrix Chain Order / Longest Common Subsequence


  • Elements of Dynamic Programming
    • Optimal Substructure
    • Overlapping Subproblems
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II
  • Recursive Matrix Chain Order Memoization
    • Top-Down Approach
    • RMC
    • MemoizedMatrixChain
      • LookupC
    • Dynamic Programming vs Memoization Summary
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II
  • Dynamic Programming
    • Problem-2 : Longest Common Subsequence
      • Definitions
      • LCS Problem
      • Notations
      • Optimal Substructure of LCS
        • Proof Case-1
        • Proof Case-2
        • Proof Case-3
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II
  • A recursive solution to subproblems (inefficient)
  • Computing the length of and LCS
    • LCS Data Structure for DP
    • Bottom-Up Computation
  • Constructing and LCS
    • Back-pointer space optimization for LCS length
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II
  • Most Common Dynamic Programming Interview Questions
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Elements of Dynamic Programming

  • When should we look for a DP solution to an optimization problem?
  • Two key ingredients for the problem
    • Optimal substructure
    • Overlapping subproblems
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

DP Hallmark #1

  • Optimal Substructure
    • A problem exhibits optimal substructure
      • if an optimal solution to a problem contains within it optimal solutions to subproblems
    • Example: matrix-chain-multiplication
      • Optimal parenthesization of A1A2AnA_1 A_2 \dots A_n that splits the product between AkA_k and Ak+1A_{k+1}, contains within it optimal soln’s to the problems of parenthesizing A1A2AkA_1A_2 \dots A_k and Ak+1Ak+2AnA_{k+1} A_{k+2} \dots A_n
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure

  • Finding a suitable space of subproblems
    • Iterate on subproblem instances
    • Example: matrix-chain-multiplication
      • Iterate and look at the structure of optimal soln’s to subproblems, sub-subproblems, and so forth
      • Discover that all subproblems consists of subchains of A1,A2,,An\langle A_1, A_2, \dots , A_n \rangle
      • Thus, the set of chains of the form Ai,Ai+1,,Aj\langle A_i,A_{i+1}, \dots , A_j \rangle for 1ijn1 \leq i \leq j \leq n
      • Makes a natural and reasonable space of subproblems
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

DP Hallmark #2

  • Overlapping Subproblems
    • Total number of distinct subproblems should be polynomial in the input size
    • When a recursive algorithm revisits the same problem over and over again,
      • We say that the optimization problem has overlapping subproblems
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Overlapping Subproblems

  • DP algorithms typically take advantage of overlapping subproblems
    • by solving each problem once
    • then storing the solutions in a table
      • where it can be looked up when needed
    • using constant time per lookup
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Overlapping Subproblems

  • Recursive matrix-chain order

RMC(p,i,j){if i=j thenreturn 0m[i,j]for kito j1 doqRMC(p,i,k)+RMC(p,k+1,j)+pi1pkpjif q<m[i,j] thenm[i,j]qreturn m[i,j] }\begin{align*} & \text{RMC}(p, i, j) \{ \\[5 pt] & \quad \text{if} \ i = j \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \text{return} \ 0 \\[5 pt] & \quad m[i, j] \leftarrow \infty \\[5 pt] & \quad \text{for} \ k \leftarrow i \text{to} \ j - 1 \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad q \leftarrow \text{RMC}(p, i, k) + \text{RMC}(p, k+1, j) + p_{i-1} p_k p_j \\[5 pt] & \quad if \ q < m[i, j] \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad m[i, j] \leftarrow q \\[5 pt] & \quad \text{return} \ m[i, j] \ \} \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Direct Recursion: Inefficient!

  • Recursion tree for RMC(p,1,4)RMC(p,1,4)
  • Nodes are labeled with ii and jj values
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Running Time of RMC

T(1)1T(1) \geq 1
T(n)1+k=1n1(T(k)+T(nk)+1) for n>1T(n) \geq 1 + \sum \limits_{k=1}^{n-1} (T(k)+T(n-k)+1)\ \text{for} \ n>1

  • For i=1,2,,ni =1,2, \dots ,n each term T(i)T(i) appears twice
    • Once as T(k)T(k), and once as T(nk)T(n-k)
  • Collect n1,n-1, 11’s in the summation together with the front 11

T(n)2i=1n1T(i)+n\begin{align*} T(n) \geq 2 \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n-1}T(i)+n \end{align*}

  • Prove that T(n)=Ω(2n)T(n)= \Omega(2n) using the substitution method
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Running Time of RMC: Prove that T(n)=Ω(2n)T(n)= \Omega(2n)

  • Try to show that T(n)2n1T(n) \geq 2^{n-1} (by substitution)
  • Base case: T(1)1=20=211T(1) \geq 1 = 2^0 = 2^{1-1} for n=1n=1
  • Ind. Hyp.:

T(i)2i1 for all i=1,2,,n1 and n2T(n)2i=1n12i1+n=2i=1n12i1+n=2(2n11)+n=2n1+(2n12+n)T(n)2n1  Q.E.D.\begin{align*} T(i) & \geq 2^{i-1} \ \text{for all} \ i=1, 2, \dots, n-1 \ \text{and} \ n \geq 2 \\ T(n) & \geq 2 \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n-1}2^{i-1} + n \\[15 pt] & = 2 \sum \limits_{i=1}^{n-1} 2^{i-1} + n \\ & = 2(2^{n-1}-1) + n \\ & = 2^{n-1} + (2^{n-1} - 2 + n) \\ & \Rightarrow T(n) \geq 2^{n-1} \ \text{ Q.E.D.} \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Running Time of RMC: T(n)2n1T(n) \geq 2^{n-1}

  • Whenever
    • a recursion tree for the natural recursive solution to a problem contains the same subproblem repeatedly
    • the total number of different subproblems is small
      • it is a good idea to see if DP(Dynamic Programming)DP (Dynamic \ Programming) can be applied
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II


  • Offers the efficiency of the usual DPDP approach while maintaining top-down strategy
  • Idea is to memoize the natural, but inefficient, recursive algorithm
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoized Recursive Algorithm

  • Maintains an entry in a table for the soln to each subproblem
  • Each table entry contains a special value to indicate that the entry has yet to be filled in
  • When the subproblem is first encountered its solution is computed and then stored in the table
  • Each subsequent time that the subproblem encountered the value stored in the table is simply looked up and returned
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoized Recursive Matrix-chain Order

  • Shaded subtrees are looked-up rather than recomputing

MemoizedMatrixChain(p)nlength[p]1for i1 to n dofor j1 to n dom[i,j]return LookupC(p,1,n)LookupC(p,i,j)if m[i,j]= thenif i=j thenm[i,j]0elsefor ki to j1 doqLookupC(p,i,k)+LookupC(p,k+1,j)+pi1pkpjif q<m[i,j] thenm[i,j]qreturn m[i,j]\begin{align*} \begin{aligned} & \text{MemoizedMatrixChain(p)} \\ & \quad n \leftarrow length[p] - 1 \\ & \quad \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \text{for} \ j \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \quad m[i, j] \leftarrow \infty \\ & \quad \text{return} \ \text{LookupC}(p, 1, n) \Longrightarrow \end{aligned} \begin{aligned} & \Longrightarrow \text{LookupC}(p, i, j) \\ & \quad \text{if} \ m[i, j] = \infty \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \text{if} \ i = j \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \quad m[i, j] \leftarrow 0 \\ & \qquad \text{else} \\ & \qquad \quad \text{for} \ k \leftarrow i \ \text{to} \ j-1 \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \quad \quad q \leftarrow \text{LookupC}(p, i, k) + \text{LookupC}(p, k+1, j) + p_{i-1} p_k p_j \\ & \qquad \quad \quad \text{if} \ q < m[i, j] \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \quad \quad \quad m[i, j] \leftarrow q \\ & \quad \text{return} \ m[i, j] \end{aligned} \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoized Recursive Algorithm

  • The approach assumes that
    • The set of all possible subproblem parameters are known
    • The relation between the table positions and subproblems is established
  • Another approach is to memoize
    • by using hashing with subproblem parameters as key
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Dynamic Programming vs Memoization Summary (1)

  • Matrix-chain multiplication can be solved in O(n3)O(n^3) time
    • by either a top-down memoized recursive algorithm
    • or a bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm
  • Both methods exploit the overlapping subproblems property
    • There are only Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) different subproblems in total
    • Both methods compute the soln to each problem once
  • Without memoization the natural recursive algorithm runs in exponential time since subproblems are solved repeatedly
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Dynamic Programming vs Memoization Summary (2)

  • In general practice
    • If all subproblems must be solved at once
      • a bottom-up DP algorithm always outperforms a top-down memoized algorithm by a constant factor
    • because, bottom-up DP algorithm
      • Has no overhead for recursion
      • Less overhead for maintaining the table
    • DP: Regular pattern of table accesses can be exploited to reduce the time and/or space requirements even further
    • Memoized: If some problems need not be solved at all, it has the advantage of avoiding solutions to those subproblems
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem 3: Longest Common Subsequence


  • A subsequence of a given sequence is just the given sequence with some elements (possibly none) left out

  • Example:

    • X=A,B,C,B,D,A,BX = \langle A, B, C, B, D, A, B \rangle
    • Z=B,C,D,BZ = \langle B, C, D, B \rangle
      • ZZ is a subsequence of XX
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem 3: Longest Common Subsequence


  • Formal definition: Given a sequence X=x1,x2,,xmX = \langle x_1, x_2, \dots , x_m \rangle, sequence Z=z1,z2,,zkZ = \langle z_1, z_2, \dots, z_k \rangle is a subsequence of XX

    • if \exists a strictly increasing sequence i1,i2,,ik\langle i_1, i_2,\dots, i_k \rangle of indices of XX such that xij=zjx_{i_j} = z_j for all j=1,2,,kj = 1, 2, …, k, where 1km1 \leq k \leq m
  • Example: Z=B,C,D,BZ = \langle B,C,D,B \rangle is a subsequence of X=A,B,C,B,D,A,BX = \langle A,B,C,B,D,A,B \rangle with the index sequence i1,i2,i3,i4=2,3,5,7\langle i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4 \rangle = \langle 2, 3, 5, 7 \rangle

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem 3: Longest Common Subsequence


  • If ZZ is a subsequence of both XX and YY, we denote ZZ as a common subsequence of XX and YY.

  • Example:

X=A,B,C,B,D,A,BY=B,D,C,A,B,A\begin{align*} X &= \langle A,B^*,C^*,B,D,A^*,B \rangle \\ Y &= \langle B^*,D,C^*,A^*,B,A \rangle \end{align*}

  • Z1=B,C,AZ_1 = \langle B^*, C^*, A^* \rangle is a common subsequence (of length 3) of XX and YY.
  • Two longest common subsequence (LCSs) of XX and YY?
    • Z2=B,C,B,AZ2 = \langle B, C, B, A \rangle of length 44
    • Z3=B,D,A,BZ3 = \langle B, D, A, B \rangle of length 44
      • The optimal solution value = 4
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Problem

  • LCS problem: Given two sequences
    • X=x1,x2,,xmX = \langle x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m \rangle and
    • Y=y1,y2,,ynY = \langle y_1, y_2, \dots , y_n \rangle, find the LCS of X&YX \& Y
  • Brute force approach:
    • Enumerate all subsequences of XX
    • Check if each subsequence is also a subsequence of YY
    • Keep track of the LCS
    • What is the complexity?
    • There are 2m2^m subsequences of XX
      • Exponential runtime
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II


  • Notation: Let XiX_i denote the ithi^{th} prefix of XX
    • i.e. Xi=x1,x2,,xiX_i = \langle x_1, x_2, \dots, x_i \rangle
  • Example:

X=A,B,C,B,D,A,BX4=A,B,C,BX0=\begin{align*} X &= \langle A, B, C, B, D, A, B \rangle \\[10 pt] X_4 &= \langle A, B, C, B \rangle \\ X_0 &= \langle \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure of an LCS

  • Let X=<x1,x2,,xm>X = <x1, x2, …, xm> and Y=y1,y2,,ynY = \langle y_1, y_2, \dots, y_n \rangle are given
  • Let Z=z1,z2,,zkZ = \langle z_1, z_2, \dots, z_k \rangle be an LCS of XX and YY


  • Question 1: If xm=ynx_m = y_n, how to define the optimal substructure?
    • We must have zk=xm=ynz_k = x_m = y_n and
    • Zk1=LCS(Xm1,Yn1)Z_{k-1} = \text{LCS}(X_{m-1}, Y_{n-1})
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure of an LCS

  • Let X=<x1,x2,,xm>X = <x1, x2, …, xm> and Y=y1,y2,,ynY = \langle y_1, y_2, \dots, y_n \rangle are given
  • Let Z=z1,z2,,zkZ = \langle z_1, z_2, \dots, z_k \rangle be an LCS of XX and YY


  • Question 2: If xmyn and zkxmx_m \neq y_n \ \text{and} \ z_k \neq x_m, how to define the optimal substructure?
    • We must have Z=LCS(Xm1,Y)Z = \text{LCS}(X_{m-1}, Y)
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure of an LCS

  • Let X=<x1,x2,,xm>X = <x1, x2, …, xm> and Y=y1,y2,,ynY = \langle y_1, y_2, \dots, y_n \rangle are given
  • Let Z=z1,z2,,zkZ = \langle z_1, z_2, \dots, z_k \rangle be an LCS of XX and YY


  • Question 3: If xmyn and zkynx_m \neq y_n \ \text{and} \ z_k \neq y_n, how to define the optimal substructure?
    • We must have Z=LCS(X,Yn1)Z = \text{LCS}(X, Y_{n-1})
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Theorem: Optimal Substructure of an LCS

  • Let X=x1,x2,,xmX = \langle x_1, x_2, \dots, x_m \rangle and Y = <y1, y2, …, yn> are given
  • Let Z=z1,z2,,zkZ = \langle z_1, z_2, \dots, z_k \rangle be an LCS of XX and YY
  • Theorem: Optimal substructure of an LCS:
    • If xm=ynx_m = y_n
      • then zk=xm=ynz_k = x_m = y_n and Zk1Z_{k-1} is an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and Yn1Y_{n-1}
    • If xmynx_m \neq y_n and zkxmz_k \neq x_m
      • then ZZ is an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and YY
    • If xmynx_m \neq y_n and zkynz_k \neq y_n
      • then ZZ is an LCS of XX and Yn1Y_{n-1}
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Theorem (case 1)

  • If xm=ynx_m = y_n then zk=xm=ynz_k = x_m = y_n and Zk1Z_{k-1} is an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and Yn1Y_{n-1}


RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Theorem (case 2)

  • If xmynx_m \neq y_n and zkxmz_k \neq x_m then ZZ is an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and YY


RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Theorem (case 3)

  • If xmynx_m \neq y_n and zkynz_k \neq y_n then ZZ is an LCS of XX and Yn1Y_{n-1}


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Proof of Optimal Substructure Theorem (case 1)

  • If xm=ynx_m = y_n then zk=xm=ynz_k = x_m = y_n and Zk1Z_{k-1} is an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and Yn1Y_{n-1}
  • Proof: If zkxm=ynz_k \neq x_m = y_n then
    • we can append xm=ynx_m = y_n to ZZ to obtain a common subsequence of length k+1k+1 \Longrightarrow contradiction
    • Thus, we must have zk=xm=ynz_k = x_m = y_n
    • Hence, the prefix Zk1Z_{k-1} is a length-(k1k-1) CS of Xm1X_{m-1} and Yn1Y_{n-1}
  • We have to show that Zk1Z_{k-1} is in fact an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and Yn1Y_{n-1}
  • Proof by contradiction:
    • Assume that \exists a CS WW of Xm1X_{m-1} and Yn1Y_{n-1} with W=k|W| = k
    • Then appending xm=ynx_m = y_n to WW produces a CS of length k+1k+1
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Proof of Optimal Substructure Theorem (case 2)

  • If xmynx_m \neq y_n and zkxmz_k \neq x_m then ZZ is an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and YY
  • Proof : If zkxmz_k \neq x_m then ZZ is a CS of Xm1X_{m-1} and YnY_n
    • We have to show that ZZ is in fact an LCS of Xm1X_{m-1} and YnY_n
  • (Proof by contradiction)
    • Assume that \exists a CS WW of Xm1X_{m-1} and YnY_n with W>k|W| > k
    • Then WW would also be a CS of XX and YY
    • Contradiction to the assumption that
      • ZZ is an LCS of XX and YY with Z=k|Z| = k
  • Case 3: Dual of the proof for (case 2)
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A Recursive Solution to Subproblems

  • Theorem implies that there are one or two subproblems to examine
  • if xm=ynx_m = y_n then
    • we must solve the subproblem of finding an LCS of Xm1&Yn1X_{m-1} \& Y_{n-1}
    • appending xm=ynx_m = y_n to this LCS yields an LCS of X&YX \& Y
  • else
    • we must solve two subproblems
      • finding an LCS of Xm1&YX_{m-1} \& Y
      • finding an LCS of X&Yn1X \& Y_{n-1}
    • longer of these two LCS s is an LCS of X&YX \& Y
  • endif
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Recursive Algorithm (Inefficient)

LCS(X,Y) {mlength[X]nlength[Y]if xm=yn thenZLCS(Xm1,Yn1)solve one subproblemreturn Z,xm=ynappend xm=yn to ZelseZLCS(Xm1,Y)solve two subproblemsZLCS(X,Yn1)return longer of Z and Z}\begin{align*} & \text{LCS}(X, Y) \ \{ \\ & \quad m \leftarrow length[X] \\ & \quad n \leftarrow length[Y] \\ & \quad \text{if} \ x_m = y_n \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad Z \leftarrow \text{LCS}(X_{m-1}, Y_{n-1}) \triangleright \text{solve one subproblem} \\ & \qquad \text{return} \ \langle Z, x_m = y_n \rangle \triangleright \text{append} \ x_m = y_n \ \text{to} \ Z \\ & \quad else \\ & \qquad Z^{'} \leftarrow \text{LCS}(X_{m-1}, Y) \triangleright \text{solve two subproblems} \\ & \qquad Z^{''} \leftarrow \text{LCS}(X, Y_{n-1}) \\ & \qquad \text{return longer of} \ Z^{'} \ \text{and} \ Z^{''} \\ & \} \end{align*}

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

A Recursive Solution

  • c[i,j]:c[i, j]: length of an LCS of XiX_i and YjY_j

c[i,j]={0if i=0 or j=0c[i1,j1]+1if i,j>0 and xi=yjmax{c[i,j1],c[i1,j]}if i,j>0 and xiyj\begin{align*} c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if}& \ i=0 \ \text{or} \ j=0 \\ & c[i-1,j-1]+1 & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i=y_j \\ & \text{max}\{c[i,j-1],c[i-1,j]\} & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i \neq y_j \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS

  • We can easily write an exponential-time recursive algorithm based on the given recurrence. \Longrightarrow Inefficient!
  • How many distinct subproblems to solve?
    • Θ(mn)\Theta(mn)
  • Overlapping subproblems property: Many subproblems share the same sub-subproblems.
    • e.g. Finding an LCS to Xm1&YX_{m-1} \& Y and an LCS to X&Yn1X \& Y_{n-1}
    • has the sub-subproblem of finding an LCS to Xm1&Yn1X_{m-1} \& Y_{n-1}
  • Therefore, we can use dynamic programming.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Data Structures

  • Let:
    • c[i,j]:c[i, j]: length of an LCS of XiX_i and YjY_j
    • b[i,j]:b[i, j]: direction towards the table entry corresponding to the optimal subproblem solution chosen when computing c[i,j]c[i, j].
    • Used to simplify the construction of an optimal solution at the end.
  • Maintain the following tables:
    • c[0m,0n]c[0 \dots m, 0 \dots n]
    • b[1m,1n]b[1 \dots m, 1 \dots n]
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Bottom-up Computation

  • Reminder:

c[i,j]={0if i=0 or j=0c[i1,j1]+1if i,j>0 and xi=yjmax{c[i,j1],c[i1,j]}if i,j>0 and xiyj\begin{align*} c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if}& \ i=0 \ \text{or} \ j=0 \\ & c[i-1,j-1]+1 & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i=y_j \\ & \text{max}\{c[i,j-1],c[i-1,j]\} & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i \neq y_j \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

  • How to choose the order in which we process c[i,j]c[i, j] values?
  • The values for c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1], c[i,j1]c[i, j-1], and c[i1,j]c[i-1,j] must be computed before computing c[i,j]c[i, j].
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Bottom-up Computation

c[i,j]={0if i=0 or j=0c[i1,j1]+1if i,j>0 and xi=yjmax{c[i,j1],c[i1,j]}if i,j>0 and xiyj\begin{align*} c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if}& \ i=0 \ \text{or} \ j=0 \\ & c[i-1,j-1]+1 & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i=y_j \\ & \text{max}\{c[i,j-1],c[i-1,j]\} & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i \neq y_j \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

Need to process:
c[i,j]c[i, j]
after computing:
c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1],
c[i,j1]c[i, j-1],

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Bottom-up Computation

c[i,j]={0if i=0 or j=0c[i1,j1]+1if i,j>0 and xi=yjmax{c[i,j1],c[i1,j]}if i,j>0 and xiyj\begin{align*} c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if}& \ i=0 \ \text{or} \ j=0 \\ & c[i-1,j-1]+1 & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i=y_j \\ & \text{max}\{c[i,j-1],c[i-1,j]\} & \text{if}& \ i,j>0 \ \text{and} \ x_i \neq y_j \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}


for i1 to mfor j1 to nc[i,j]=\begin{align*} & \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ m \\ & \quad \text{for} \ j \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n \\ & \qquad \dots \\ & \qquad \dots \\ & \qquad c[i, j] = \cdots \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS

Total Runtime=Θ(mn)Total Space=Θ(mn){LCSLENGTH(X,Y)mlength[X];nlength[Y]for i0 to m do c[i,0]0for j0 to n do c[0,j]0for i1 to m dofor j1 to n doif xi=yj thenc[i,j]c[i1,j1]+1b[i,j]""else if c[i1,j]c[i,j1]c[i,j]c[i1,j]b[i,j]""elsec[i,j]c[i,j1]b[i,j]""\begin{align*} \frac{\text{Total Runtime} = \Theta(mn)}{\text{Total Space} = \Theta(mn)} \begin{cases} & LCS-LENGTH(X,Y) \\ & \quad m \leftarrow length[X]; n \leftarrow length[Y] \\ & \quad \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 0 \ \text{to} \ m \ \text{do} \ c[i, 0] \leftarrow 0 \\ & \quad \text{for} \ j \leftarrow 0 \ \text{to} \ n \ \text{do} \ c[0, j] \leftarrow 0 \\ & \quad \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ m \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \text{for} \ j \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \quad \text{if} \ x_i = y_j \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \quad \quad c[i, j] \leftarrow c[i-1, j-1]+1 \\ & \qquad \quad \quad b[i, j] \leftarrow " \nwarrow " \\ & \qquad \quad \text{else if} \ c[i - 1, j] \geq c[i, j-1] \\ & \qquad \quad \quad c[i, j] \leftarrow c[i-1, j] \\ & \qquad \quad \quad b[i, j] \leftarrow "\uparrow " \\ & \qquad \quad \text{else} \\ & \qquad \quad \quad c[i, j] \leftarrow c[i, j-1] \\ & \qquad \quad \quad b[i, j] \leftarrow " \leftarrow " \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-1

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-2

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-3

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-4

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-5

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-6

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-7

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-8

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-9

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-10

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-11

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-12

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-13

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

  • Running-time = O(mn)O(mn) since each table entry takes O(1)O(1) time to compute
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Length of an LCS-14

Operation of LCS-LENGTH on the sequences

X=A1,B2,C3,B4,D5,A6,B7Y=B1,D2,C3,A4,B5,A6\begin{align*} X &= \langle \overset{1}{A}, \overset{2}{B}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{B}, \overset{5}{D}, \overset{6}{A}, \overset{7}{B} \rangle \\ Y &= \langle \overset{1}{B}, \overset{2}{D}, \overset{3}{C}, \overset{4}{A}, \overset{5}{B}, \overset{6}{A} \rangle \end{align*}

  • Running-time = O(mn)O(mn) since each table entry takes O(1)O(1) time to compute

  • LCS of X&Y=B,C,B,AX \& Y = \langle B, C, B, A \rangle

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Constructing an LCS

  • The bb table returned by LCS-LENGTH can be used to quickly construct an LCS of X&YX \& Y
  • Begin at b[m,n]b[m, n] and trace through the table following arrows
  • Whenever you encounter a "\nwarrow" in entry b[i,j]b[i, j] it implies that xi=yjx_i = y_j is an element of LCS
  • The elements of LCS are encountered in reverse order
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Constructing an LCS

  • The recursive procedure PRINT-LCS\text{PRINT-LCS} prints out LCS\text{LCS} in proper order
  • This procedure takes O(m+n)O(m+n) time since at least one of ii and jj is decremented in each stage of the recursion

PRINT-LCS(b,X,i,j)if i=0 orj=0 thenreturnif b[i,j]="" thenPRINT-LCS(b,X,i1,j1)print xielse if b[i,j]="" thenPRINT-LCS(b,X,i1,j)elsePRINT-LCS(b,X,i,j1)\begin{align*} & \text{PRINT-LCS}(b, X, i, j) \\ & \quad \text{if} \ i = 0 \ \text{or} j = 0 \ \text{then} \\ & \quad \text{return} \\ & \quad \text{if} \ b[i, j] = " \nwarrow " \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \text{PRINT-LCS}(b, X, i-1, j-1) \\ & \qquad \text{print} \ x_i \\ & \quad \text{else if} \ b[i, j] = " \uparrow " \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \text{PRINT-LCS}(b, X, i-1, j) \\ & \quad \text{else} \\ & \qquad \text{PRINT-LCS}(b, X, i, j-1) \end{align*}

  • The initial invocation: PRINT-LCS(b,X,length[X],length[Y])\text{PRINT-LCS}(b, X, length[X], length[Y])
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Do we really need the b table (back-pointers)?

  • Question: From which neighbor did we expand to the highlighted cell?
  • Answer: Upper-left neighbor,because X[i]=Y[j]X[i] = Y[j].
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Do we really need the b table (back-pointers)?

  • Question: From which neighbor did we expand to the highlighted cell?
  • Answer: Left neighbor, because X[i]Y[j]X[i] \neq Y[j] and LCS[i,j1]>LCS[i1,j]LCS[i, j-1] > LCS[i-1, j].
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Do we really need the b table (back-pointers)?

  • Question: From which neighbor did we expand to the highlighted cell?
  • Answer: Upper neighbor,because X[i]Y[j]X[i] \neq Y[j] and
    LCS[i,j1]=LCS[i1,j]LCS[i, j-1] = LCS[i-1, j].
    (See pseudo-code to see how ties are handled.)
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Improving the Space Requirements

  • We can eliminate the b table altogether
    • each c[i,j]c[i, j] entry depends only on 33 other cc table entries: c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1], c[i1,j]c[i-1, j] and c[i,j1]c[i, j-1]
  • Given the value of c[i,j]c[i, j]:
    • We can determine in O(1)O(1) time which of these 33 values was used to compute c[i,j]c[i, j] without inspecting table bb
    • We save Θ(mn)\Theta(mn) space by this method
    • However, space requirement is still Θ(mn)\Theta(mn) since we need Θ(mn)\Theta(mn) space for the cc table anyway
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

What if we store the last 2 rows only?

  • To compute c[i,j]c[i, j], we only need c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1], c[i1,j]c[i-1, j],and c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1]
  • So, we can store only the last two rows.
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

What if we store the last 2 rows only?

  • To compute c[i,j]c[i, j], we only need c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1], c[i1,j]c[i-1, j], and c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1]
  • So, we can store only the last two rows.
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

What if we store the last 2 rows only?

  • To compute c[i,j]c[i, j], we only need c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1], c[i1,j]c[i-1, j], and c[i1,j1]c[i-1, j-1]

  • So, we can store only the last two rows.

  • This reduces space complexity from Θ(mn)\Theta(mn) to Θ(n)\Theta(n).

  • Is there a problem with this approach?

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

What if we store the last 2 rows only?

  • Is there a problem with this approach?

    • We cannot construct the optimal solution because we cannot backtrace anymore.
    • This approach works if we only need the length of an LCS, not the actual LCS.
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem 4 Optimal Binary Search Tree

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Reminder: Binary Search Tree (BST)


RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Binary Search Tree Example

  • Example: English-to-French translation
    • Organize (English, French) word pairs in a BST
      • Keyword: English word
      • Satellite Data: French word
  • We can search for an English word (node key) efficiently, and return the corresponding French word (satellite data).
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II



RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Binary Search Tree Example

Suppose we know the frequency of each keyword in texts:

begin5%,do40%,else8%,end4%,if10%,then10%,while23%,\underset{5\%}{\underline{begin}}, \underset{40\%}{\underline{do}}, \underset{8\%}{\underline{else}}, \underset{4\%}{\underline{end}}, \underset{10\%}{\underline{if}}, \underset{10\%}{\underline{then}}, \underset{23\%}{\underline{while}},

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Cost of a Binary Search Tree

Example: If we search for keyword "while", we need
to access 33 nodes. So, 2323% of the queries will have cost of 33.

Total Cost=i(depth(i)+1)freq(i)=1×0.04+2×0.4+2×0.1+3×0.05+3×0.08+3×0.1+3×0.23=2.42\begin{align*} \text{Total Cost} &= \sum \limits_{i}^{}(\text{depth}(i)+1)\text{freq}(i) \\ &= 1 \times 0.04 + 2 \times 0.4 + \\ & 2 \times 0.1 + 3 \times 0.05 + \\ & 3 \times 0.08 + 3 \times 0.1 + \\ & 3 \times 0.23 \\ &= 2.42 \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Cost of a Binary Search Tree

Example: If we search for keyword "while", we need
to access 33 nodes. So, 2323% of the queries will have cost of 33.

Total Cost=i(depth(i)+1)freq(i)=1×0.4+2×0.05+2×0.23+3×0.1+4×0.08+4×0.1+5×0.04=2.18\begin{align*} \text{Total Cost} &= \sum \limits_{i}^{}(\text{depth}(i)+1)\text{freq}(i) \\ &= 1 \times 0.4 + 2 \times 0.05 + 2 \times 0.23 + \\ & 3 \times 0.1 + 4 \times 0.08 + \\ & 4 \times 0.1 + 5 \times 0.04 \\ &= 2.18 \end{align*}

  • This is in fact an optimal BST.
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Binary Search Tree Problem

  • Given:
    • A collection of nn keys K1<K2<KnK_1 < K_2 < \dots K_n to be stored in a BST.
    • The corresponding pip_i values for 1in1 \leq i \leq n
      • pip_i: probability of searching for key KiK_i
  • Find:
    • An optimal BST with minimum total cost:

Total Cost=i(depth(i)+1)freq(i)\begin{align*} \text{Total Cost} &= \sum \limits_{i}^{}(\text{depth}(i)+1)\text{freq}(i) \end{align*}

  • Note: The BST will be static. Only search operations will be performed. No insert, no delete, etc.
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Cost of a Binary Search Tree

  • Lemma 1: Let TijTij be a BST containing keys Ki<Ki+1<<KjK_i < K_{i+1} < \dots < K_j. Let TLT_L and TRT_R be the left and right subtrees of TT. Then we have:

cost(Tij)=cost(TL)+cost(TR)+h=ijph\begin{align*} \text{cost}(T_{ij})=\text{cost}(T_{L})+\text{cost}(T_{R})+\sum \limits_{h=i}^{j}p_h \end{align*}

Intuition: When we add the root node, the depth of each node in TLT_L and TRT_R increases by 11. So, the cost of node hh increases by php_h. In addition, the cost of root node rr is prp_r. That’s why, we have the last term at the end of the formula above.

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Property

  • Lemma 2: Optimal substructure property
    • Consider an optimal BST TijT_{ij} for keys Ki<Ki+1<<KjK_i < K_{i+1} < \dots < K_j
    • Let KmK_m be the key at the root of TijT_{ij}
  • Then:
    • Ti,m1T_{i,m-1} is an optimal BST for subproblem containing keys:
      • Ki<<Km1K_i < \dots < K_{m-1}
    • Tm+1,jT_{m+1,j} is an optimal BST for subproblem containing keys:
      • Km+1<<KjK_{m+1} < \dots < K_j

cost(Tij)=cost(Ti,m1)+cost(Tm+1,j)+h=ijph\begin{align*} \text{cost}(T_{ij})=\text{cost}(T_{i,m-1})+\text{cost}(T_{m+1,j})+\sum \limits_{h=i}^{j}p_h \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Recursive Formulation

  • Note: We don’t know which root vertex leads to the minimum total cost. So, we need to try each vertex mm, and choose the one with minimum total cost.

  • c[i,j]c[i, j]: cost of an optimal BST TijT_{ij} for the subproblem Ki<<KjK_i < \dots < K_j

c[i,j]={0if i>jminirj{c[i,r1]+c[r+1,j]+Pij}otherwisewhere Pij=h=ijph\begin{align*} & c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if} \ i>j \\ & \underset{i \leq r \leq j}{\text{min}}\{ c[i,r-1]+c[r+1,j]+P_{ij} \} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \\ & \text{where} \ P_{ij}= \sum \limits_{h=i}^{j}p_h \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Bottom-up computation

c[i,j]={0if i>jminirj{c[i,r1]+c[r+1,j]+Pij}otherwise\begin{align*} & c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if} \ i>j \\ & \underset{i \leq r \leq j}{\text{min}}\{ c[i,r-1]+c[r+1,j]+P_{ij} \} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

  • How to choose the order in which we process c[i,j]c[i, j] values?
  • Before computing c[i,j]c[i, j], we have to make sure that the values for c[i,r1]c[i, r-1] and c[r+1,j]c[r+1,j] have been computed for all rr.
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Bottom-up computation

c[i,j]={0if i>jminirj{c[i,r1]+c[r+1,j]+Pij}otherwise\begin{align*} & c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if} \ i>j \\ & \underset{i \leq r \leq j}{\text{min}}\{ c[i,r-1]+c[r+1,j]+P_{ij} \} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

  • c[i,j]c[i,j] must be processed after c[i,r1]c[i,r-1] and c[r+1,j]c[r+1,j]
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Bottom-up computation

c[i,j]={0if i>jminirj{c[i,r1]+c[r+1,j]+Pij}otherwise\begin{align*} & c[i,j] = \begin{cases} & 0 & \text{if} \ i>j \\ & \underset{i \leq r \leq j}{\text{min}}\{ c[i,r-1]+c[r+1,j]+P_{ij} \} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases} \end{align*}

  • If the entries c[i,j]c[i,j] are computed in the shown order, then c[i,r1]c[i,r-1] and c[r+1,j]c[r+1,j] values are guaranteed to be computed before c[i,j]c[i,j].
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Computing the Optimal BST Cost

OPTIMAL-BST-COST(p,n)for i1 to n doc[i,i1]0c[i,i]p[i]R[i,j]iPS[1]p[1]PS[i] prefix-sum (i):Sum of all p[j] values for jifor i2 to n doPS[i]p[i]+PS[i1]compute the prefix sumfor d1 to n1 doBSTs with d+1 consecutive keysfor i1 to nd doji+dc[i,j]for ri to j doqmin{c[i,r1]+c[r+1,j]}+PS[j]PS[i1]}if q<c[i,j] thenc[i,j]qR[i,j]rreturn c[1,n],R\begin{align*} & \text{OPTIMAL-BST-COST} (p, n) \\ & \quad \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad c[i, i-1] \leftarrow 0 \\ & \qquad c[i, i] \leftarrow p[i] \\ & \qquad R[i, j] \leftarrow i \\ & \quad PS[1] \leftarrow p[1] \Longleftarrow PS[i] \rightarrow \text{ prefix-sum } (i): \text{Sum of all} \ p[j] \ \text{values for} \ j \leq i \\ & \quad \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 2 \ \text{to} \ n \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad PS[i] \leftarrow p[i] + PS[i-1] \Longleftarrow \text{compute the prefix sum} \\ & \quad \text{for} \ d \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n−1 \ \text{do} \Longleftarrow \text{BSTs with} \ d+1 \ \text{consecutive keys} \\ & \qquad \text{for} \ i \leftarrow 1 \ \text{to} \ n – d \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \quad j \leftarrow i + d \\ & \qquad \quad c[i, j] \leftarrow \infty \\ & \qquad \quad \text{for} \ r \leftarrow i \ \text{to} \ j \ \text{do} \\ & \qquad \qquad q \leftarrow min\{c[i,r-1] + c[r+1, j]\} + PS[j] – PS[i-1]\} \\ & \qquad \qquad \text{if} \ q < c[i, j] \ \text{then} \\ & \qquad \qquad \quad c[i, j] \leftarrow q \\ & \qquad \qquad \quad R[i, j] \leftarrow r \\ & \quad \text{return} \ c[1, n], R \end{align*}

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Note on Prefix Sum

  • We need PijP_{ij} values for each i,j(1in and 1jn)i, j (1 ≤ i ≤ n \ \text{and} \ 1 ≤ j ≤ n), where:

Pij=h=ijph\begin{align*} P_{ij} = \sum \limits_{h=i}^{j}p_h \end{align*}

  • If we compute the summation directly for every (i,j)(i, j) pair, the runtime would be Θ(n3)\Theta(n^3).

  • Instead, we spend O(n)O(n) time in preprocessing to compute the prefix sum array PS. Then we can compute each PijP_{ij} in O(1)O(1) time using PS.

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Note on Prefix Sum

  • In preprocessing, compute for each ii:
    • PS[i]PS[i]: the sum of p[j]p[j] values for 1ji1 \leq j \leq i
  • Then, we can compute PijP_{ij} in O(1)O(1) time as follows:
    • Pij=PS[i]PS[j1]P_{ij} = PS[i] – PS[j-1]
  • Example:

p:0.051 0.022 0.063 0.074 0.205 0.056 0.087 0.028PS:0.051 0.072 0.133 0.204 0.405 0.456 0.537 0.558P27=PS[7]PS[1]=0.530.05=0.48P36=PS[6]PS[2]=0.450.07=0.38\begin{align*} p &: \overset{1}{0.05} \ \overset{2}{0.02} \ \overset{3}{0.06} \ \overset{4}{0.07} \ \overset{5}{0.20} \ \overset{6}{0.05} \ \overset{7}{0.08} \ \overset{8}{0.02} \\ PS &: \overset{1}{0.05} \ \overset{2}{0.07} \ \overset{3}{0.13} \ \overset{4}{0.20} \ \overset{5}{0.40} \ \overset{6}{0.45} \ \overset{7}{0.53} \ \overset{8}{0.55} \\[10 pt] P_{27} &= PS[7] – PS[1] = 0.53 – 0.05 = 0.48 \\ P_{36} &= PS[6] – PS[2] = 0.45 – 0.07 = 0.38 \end{align*}

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II


Overlapping Subproblems Property in Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming is an algorithmic paradigm that solves a given complex problem by breaking it into subproblems and stores the results of subproblems to avoid computing the same results again.

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Overlapping Subproblems Property in Dynamic Programming

Following are the two main properties of a problem that suggests that the given problem can be solved using Dynamic programming.

  1. Overlapping Subproblems
  2. Optimal Substructure
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Overlapping Subproblems

  • Like Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming combines solutions to sub-problems.
  • Dynamic Programming is mainly used when solutions of the same subproblems are needed again and again.
  • In dynamic programming, computed solutions to subproblems are stored in a table so that these don’t have to be recomputed.
  • So Dynamic Programming is not useful when there are no common (overlapping) subproblems because there is no point storing the solutions if they are not needed again.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Overlapping Subproblems

  • For example, Binary Search doesn’t have common subproblems.
  • If we take an example of following recursive program for Fibonacci Numbers, there are many subproblems that are solved again and again.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Simple Recursion

  • f(n)=f(n1)+f(n2)f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
  • C sample code:
#include <stdio.h>
// a simple recursive program to compute fibonacci numbers
int fib(int n)
    if (n <= 1)
        return n;
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

int main()
    int n = 5;
    printf("Fibonacci number is %d ", fib(n));
    return 0;
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Simple Recursion

  • Output

    Fibonacci number is 5
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Simple Recursion

  • f(n)=f(n1)+f(n2)f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
/* a simple recursive program for Fibonacci numbers */
public class Fibonacci {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

    public static int fib(int n) {
        if (n <= 1)
            return n;

        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Simple Recursion

  • f(n)=f(n1)+f(n2)f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2)
public class Fibonacci {
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        int n = int.Parse(args[0]);

    public static int fib(int n) {
        if (n <= 1)
            return n;

        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Recursion tree for execution of fib(5)

                     /             \
               fib(4)                fib(3)
             /      \                /     \
         fib(3)      fib(2)         fib(2)    fib(1)
        /     \        /    \       /    \
  fib(2)   fib(1)  fib(1) fib(0) fib(1) fib(0)
  /    \
fib(1) fib(0)
  • We can see that the function fib(3) is being called 2 times.
  • If we would have stored the value of fib(3), then instead of computing it again, we could have reused the old stored value.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Recursion tree for execution of fib(5)

There are following two different ways to store the values so that these values can be reused:

  1. Memoization (Top Down)
  2. Tabulation (Bottom Up)
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • The memoized program for a problem is similar to the recursive version with a small modification that looks into a lookup table before computing solutions.
  • We initialize a lookup array with all initial values as NIL. Whenever we need the solution to a subproblem, we first look into the lookup table.
  • If the precomputed value is there then we return that value, otherwise, we calculate the value and put the result in the lookup table so that it can be reused later.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • Following is the memoized version for the nth Fibonacci Number.
  • C++ Version:
/* C++ program for Memoized version
for nth Fibonacci number */
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define NIL -1
#define MAX 100

int lookup[MAX];
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • C++ Version:
/* Function to initialize NIL
values in lookup table */
void _initialize()
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
        lookup[i] = NIL;
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • C++ Version:
/* function for nth Fibonacci number */
int fib(int n)
    if (lookup[n] == NIL) {
        if (n <= 1)
            lookup[n] = n;
            lookup[n] = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

    return lookup[n];
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • C++ Version:
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 40;
    cout << "Fibonacci number is " << fib(n);
    return 0;
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • Java Version:
/* Java program for Memoized version */
public class Fibonacci {
    final int MAX = 100;
    final int NIL = -1;

    int lookup[] = new int[MAX];

    /* Function to initialize NIL values in lookup table */
    void _initialize()
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            lookup[i] = NIL;
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • Java Version:
    /* function for nth Fibonacci number */
    int fib(int n)
        if (lookup[n] == NIL) {
            if (n <= 1)
                lookup[n] = n;
                lookup[n] = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
        return lookup[n];
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • Java Version:
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Fibonacci f = new Fibonacci();
        int n = 40;
        System.out.println("Fibonacci number is"
                        + " " + f.fib(n));
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • C# Version:
// C# program for Memoized versionof nth Fibonacci number
using System;

class FiboCalcMemoized {

    static int MAX = 100;
    static int NIL = -1;
    static int[] lookup = new int[MAX];

    /* Function to initialize NIL
    values in lookup table */
    static void initialize()
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
            lookup[i] = NIL;
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • C# Version:
    /* function for nth Fibonacci number */
    static int fib(int n)
        if (lookup[n] == NIL) {
            if (n <= 1)
                lookup[n] = n;
                lookup[n] = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
        return lookup[n];
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Memoization (Top Down)

  • C# Version:
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        int n = 40;
        Console.Write("Fibonacci number is"
                    + " " + fib(n));
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Tabulation (Bottom Up)

  • The tabulated program for a given problem builds a table in bottom-up fashion and returns the last entry from the table.
  • For example, for the same Fibonacci number,
    • we first calculate fib(0) then fib(1) then fib(2) then fib(3), and so on. So literally, we are building the solutions of subproblems bottom-up.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Tabulation (Bottom Up)

  • C++ Version:
/* C program for Tabulated version */
#include <stdio.h>
int fib(int n)
    int f[n + 1];
    int i;
    f[0] = 0;
    f[1] = 1;
    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2];

    return f[n];
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Tabulation (Bottom Up)

  • C++ Version:
int main()
    int n = 9;
    printf("Fibonacci number is %d ", fib(n));
    return 0;


Fibonacci number is 34 
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Tabulation (Bottom Up)

  • Java Version:
/* Java program for Tabulated version */
public class Fibonacci {
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 9;
    System.out.println("Fibonacci number is " + fib(n));
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Tabulation (Bottom Up)

  • Java Version:
  /* Function to calculate nth Fibonacci number */
  static int fib(int n)
    int f[] = new int[n + 1];
    f[0] = 0;
    f[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
      f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2];

    return f[n];
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Tabulation (Bottom Up)

  • C# Version:
// C# program for Tabulated version
using System;

class Fibonacci {
    static int fib(int n)
        int[] f = new int[n + 1];
        f[0] = 0;
        f[1] = 1;
        for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
            f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2];
        return f[n];

    public static void Main()
        int n = 9;
        Console.Write("Fibonacci number is"
                    + " " + fib(n));
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II
  • Both Tabulated and Memoized store the solutions of subproblems.
  • In Memoized version, the table is filled on demand while in the Tabulated version, starting from the first entry, all entries are filled one by one.
  • Unlike the Tabulated version, all entries of the lookup table are not necessarily filled in Memoized version.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II
RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Property in Dynamic Programming

  • A given problems has Optimal Substructure Property if optimal solution of the given problem can be obtained by using optimal solutions of its subproblems.

  • For example, the Shortest Path problem has following optimal substructure property:

    • If a node x lies in the shortest path from a source node u to destination node v then the shortest path from u to v is combination of shortest path from u to x and shortest path from x to v. The standard All Pair Shortest Path algorithm like Floyd–Warshall and Single Source Shortest path algorithm for negative weight edges like Bellman–Ford are typical examples of Dynamic Programming.
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Property in Dynamic Programming

  • On the other hand, the Longest Path problem doesn’t have the Optimal Substructure property. Here by Longest Path we mean longest simple path (path without cycle) between two nodes
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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Optimal Substructure Property in Dynamic Programming

  • There are two longest paths from q to t: q→r→t and q→s→t. Unlike shortest paths, these longest paths do not have the optimal substructure property. For example, the longest path q→r→t is not a combination of longest path from q to r and longest path from r to t, because the longest path from q to r is q→s→t→r and the longest path from r to t is r→q→s→t.


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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Most Common Dynamic Programming Interview Questions

RTEU CE100 Week-6
CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-1: Longest Increasing Subsequence

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-1: Longest Increasing Subsequence


Problem-2: Edit Distance

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-2: Edit Distance (Recursive)

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-2: Edit Distance (DP)


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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-2: Edit Distance (DP)

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Problem-2: Edit Distance (Other)

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Problem-3: Partition a set into two subsets such that the difference of subset sums is minimum

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Problem-4: Count number of ways to cover a distance

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Problem-5: Find the longest path in a matrix with given constraints

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Problem-6: Subset Sum Problem

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Problem-7: Optimal Strategy for a Game

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Problem-8: 0-1 Knapsack Problem

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Problem-9: Boolean Parenthesization Problem

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Problem-10: Shortest Common Supersequence

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Problem-11: Partition Problem

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Problem-12: Cutting a Rod

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Problem-13: Coin Change

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Problem-14: Word Break Problem

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-15: Maximum Product Cutting

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-16: Dice Throw

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Problem-16: Dice Throw

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II

Problem-17: Box Stacking Problem

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Problem-18: Egg Dropping Puzzle

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CE100 Algorithms and Programming II


RTEU CE100 Week-6

- Memoization-based solutions will NOT BE ACCEPTED in the exams!