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CE103 Algorithms and Programming I

Week-15 (Java GUI Programming)

Fall Semester, 2021-2022


Java GUI Programming

JavaFX GUI Programming

1-Install Gluon Scene Builder

Download and Install Gluon Scene Builder from URL

Scene Builder - Gluon

We will use gluon scene builder as an external designer for NetBeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ idea tools.

you can save this design as an FXML file from File->Save As

2-Install Apache Netbeans

Download and install apache Netbeans

3- Configure JavaFX Scene Builder for Apache Netbeans

Open Tools->Options->Java->JavaFX

Select builder home

you can find old integration documentation here

Using JavaFX Scene Builder with Java IDEs: Using Scene Builder with NetBeans IDE | JavaFX 2 Tutorials and Documentation

4-Create First Application

Select File->New Project

Select Java With Maven Types

FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype (Gluon)

Set project properties

Open Project Resources and Click FXML files to run Scene Builder

In designer properties tab will show control properties, code tab will show action bindings

Then you can run applications from Netbeans.

for introduction level information please check the following examples

JavaFX Simple Calculator - Design and Code - YouTube

JavaFX Library Management System Development #0: Introduction - YouTube

for more information about JavaFX please check the following

JavaFX Tutorial - javatpoint

Java Swing GUI Programming

Select File->New Project -> Java with Maven -> Java Application

Configure Project

Open project and select package then select right-click -> New -> JFrame Form

Give a name to your frame

Swing GUI Builder is integrated with Netbeans

Drag-and-drop controls to panel from the palette

And from the events tab, add custom actions.

you can configure control properties from the properties screen

We can add simple events such as when the moclickscked to button write text on the text field

"Hello World"

When you run application, you will see the following screen




Last update: March 25, 2022
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