CE103 Algorithms and Programming I¶
Fall Semester, 2021-2022¶
C# Functional Console Programming¶
We will follow the following topics
Creating a Simple Dynamic-Link Library - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
Dynamic-Link Library Creation - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
Exporting from a DLL | Microsoft Docs
Exporting from a DLL Using DEF Files | Microsoft Docs
How to create a DLL library in C and then use it with C# - CodeProject
DLL - Dynamic Link Library in C - Steps to Create and Use
DLL Injection - free code corner
std::dec, std::hex, std::oct - cppreference.com
std::setbase - cppreference.com
C++ Tutorial: Multi-Threaded Programming - Thread for Win32 - 2020
- Csharp Programming
a. Introduction
i. C# Hello World
ii. C# Keywords & Identifiers
iii. C# Variables
iv. C# Operators
v. C# Basic I/O
vi. C# Expressions & Statements
vii. C# Comments
b. Flow Control
i. C# if..else
ii. C# for loop
iii. C# while loop
iv. C# foreach loop
v. C# switch statement
vi. C# ternary operator
c. Exception Handling
d. Other Topics
i. C# Bitwise Operators
ii. C# Preprocessor Directives
iii. C# Namespaces
iv. C# Partial Class & Method